Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (358 - 360 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1297 Invalid deluge-gtk doesn't sort by name correctly simonbcn

The special characters, in torrent names, like "(", "[" are ignored to sort the torrent list.

#1318 Deluge forgets some label data simonbcn

I have a label: "anime". The other day I have added several trackers to this label, it saved it well but when I opened Deluge more later the trackers was vanished. The checkbox was checked but in the list of trackers there was the example text, similar to this (I don't remember exactly):

tracker 1
tracker 2

I writed the tracker list again and so far, it hasn't been deleted.

But now I have vanished the download folder for this label!!!

#1320 WorksForMe "Update tracker" option doesn't work simonbcn

I have installed deluged with libtorrent v0.15
I am receiving much more tracker errors, more than libtorrent v0.14.10. I have reported it to libtorrent developer: Issue 90: Much tracker errors with v0.15 But when I select, in Deluge-gtk pop-up menu, the option "update tracker", it does nothing. Other torrents, from same trackers at same time, work well.

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