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Results (358 - 360 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1603 Duplicate Deluge hash checking external drive when starting glh5

I have a headless daemon set up on my local laptop. I have a 1 TB Western Digital external USB hard drive connected to it. My operating system is Ubuntu 10.10 and I'm running Deluge 1.3.1.

Whenever I start up my laptop, I first make sure to connect the drive and make sure it's properly mounted. When that is done, I use the gtkclient to start up my local daemon. (With the connection manager, I'm running passive mode.) The problem is that Deluge always performs a hash check on my files, even though it can find them.

I have an init.d script too, but I turned it off (RUN_AT_STARTUP="NO").

#1605 Duplicate web UI causes 100% (very high) CPU usage Damien Churchill adagui

I'm running the latest Deluge and webui (1.3.1) on Windows Server 2008 R2 with daemon mode on.

The webui causes very high CPU usage on the client.

My client machine is a dual core macbook pro. It gets high cpu in all browsers (chrome, safari, firefox).

Running 400 torrents in total.

#1679 Duplicate Add confimation to "Remove with data" Jameshfisher

Presenting the user with an option that is dangerous should:

  • be expected by the user (the option should be in an appropriate context)
  • be confirmed after selection by the user

Data removal is one of those dangerous operations. Here's how Deluge currently handles it:

  • select "Remove Torrent" from the context menu
  • user is presented with an option to "Remove with data"
  • selection of "Remove with data" is unconfirmed before execution

This violates both simple design principles. I expect the "Remove Torrent" option to mean "cease downloading and uploading". I have asked several others what they expect this to do, and they say the same. More than once I have selected this option accidentally, and so have others.

The following instructions are unrelated, but are currently conflated by the UI:

  • ceasing downloading/uploading associated with a .torrent file
  • deleting all data associated with that .torrent file
  • (deleting the .torrent file itself ...?)

These should be clearly separated. I suggest the following:

  • The "Remove Torrent" option in the context menu exclusively means "cease downloading, cease uploading, and dissociate Deluge and this torrent file". Selecting it prompts a confirmation: "are you sure you wish to remove this .torrent file from Deluge?" There may be additional warning text if the download has not yet completed.
  • A new option is added to the context menu, "Remove Torrent and data". Selecting it prompts a confirmation: "are you sure you wish to remove all downloaded data, and remove this .torrent file from Deluge?"
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