Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (361 - 363 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#745 Invalid deluge stop itself andar obo

on ubuntu, this is the log error

no existing Deluge session
Starting new Deluge session...
deluge_core; using libtorrent Compiled with NDEBUG.
Applying preferences
save uploaded memory
Pickling state...
Scanning plugin dir /usr/share/deluge/plugins
Initialising plugin FlexRSS
Initialising plugin Search
Initialising plugin NetworkGraph
Initialising plugin SpeedLimiter
Initialising plugin Scheduler
Initialising plugin TorrentFiles
Initialising plugin TorrentPeers
Initialising plugin TorrentCreator
Initialising plugin MoveTorrent
Initialising plugin DesiredRatio
Initialising plugin TorrentNotification
Initialising plugin BlocklistImport
Initialising plugin WebSeed
Initialising plugin WebUi
Initialising plugin NetworkHealth
Initialising plugin EventLogging
Applying preferences
Starting DHT...
No DHT file to resume
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'asio::system_error'
  what():  Indirizzo già in uso
#749 WontFix -1 and 0 are the same andar

Same as the 0.5 series, the 1.1.0 has upload slots and upload speed that you can set, but setting "-1" and setting "0" are the same. Unlimited. Shouldn't "0" mean none?

#753 Fixed Torrents from do not load andar anonymous

When attempting to load torrents from, the open torrents dialog appears but no files are listed to download. Deluge cannot download torrents from this site. Perhaps a format problem with their torrents?

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.