Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (361 - 363 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1154 Fixed Display Name (dn) not appearing after adding a magnet link Aragorn

Deluge lists added magnet links by showing their hash. It substitutes the hash with the file name only when the download actually starts. It would be better to show the name right away by using the Display Name (dn) parameter of the Magnet URI scheme. Other clients (e.g. µTorrent) provide this feature.

#1155 Invalid Stats plugin: time out of scale Aragorn

It seems that the last version of the stats plugin (0.3.1) with Python 2.6 and Deluge 1.2.1 is not working properly. The time looks out of scale since a few hours of download are shown as a few seconds.

#233 Fixed Torrent queue messed up markybob Aramil

After upgrading to I noticed that everytime I open Deluge my torrent queue is completely messed up.This never happened with all the previous versions.

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