Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (361 - 363 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#707 Fixed Cannot move torrent order Damien Churchill

I'm unable to move torrents in the AJAX template web ui. I've tried this with paused seeding torrents and running unfinished ones, both managed and unmanaged.

#708 Fixed Change consoleUI's promt color from light grey to something more visible on light terminals andar anonymous

When I start consoleUI in gnome-terminal with white background it's hard to see light grey ">>>" and it looks like it's just froze and nothing happens.

As a variant of solution: chage ">>>"'s color to something more visible on white and black bacground at the same time, something not gray scaled.

#711 Fixed Bugs on 'compatibility with prior version' & 'uninstall process in vista' AlexC anonymous

2 bugs

  • compatibility with prior version
  • uninstall process in vista

I will like to report something that I have just find out with respect to a problem that I had in the past with deluge - others may have also faced it.

Initially, I have installed deluge 0.5 on a linux box and 0.6 in Vista, and everything was ok. Then I upgraded deluge (on Vista) from 0.6 to 0.7 and again everything was running smoothly. Though, when I upgraded it to 1.1-rc3 problems started! Although, deluge could start in Vista, when I was remotely connecting to the linux box nothing was appearing in the list of torrent files. Then I decided to downgrade it to 0.6. I tried 0.6, 0.7 but nothing !!! the deluge was not even able of loading.

Any how, the solution to this problem is related to a clean uninstalling! Apart from uninstalling deluge from 'control panel-programs and features' you also have to: i) remove the directory of deluge e.g. c:\program files\[i]delugei (since some files are not automatically deleted),and ii) remove the 'deluge' directory that is created inside the following path: C:\Users\[i]<username>i\AppData\Roaming\[i]Delugei

After performing the above steps I could downgrade deluge without any problems (and run ok, as before).


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