Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (361 - 363 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3231 WontFix Changing priority behaves strangely. loput

It's difficult to describe. It's all shown in the video -

Client: 1.3.15


Linux 4.20.0-arch1-1-ARCH x86_64

#1075 Fixed Changing priority on a whole folder doesn't work Damien Churchill negge

Version: trunk OS: Debian Lenny

Changing the priority of files from the web interface works fine for single files and multiple files selected with holding the Ctrl key. It doesn't work at all when trying to change priority on a whole folder inside the torrent though. Neither does holding down Shift to select multiple files/folders.

Both these things work in the GTK interface, so they should work in the web interface as well.

#1355 Fixed changing states in webUI is slow Damien Churchill daenney

When changing from a Seeding state in 1.3.0-rc2 webUI with about 240 torrents to the Active state with 2 torrents it takes an abnormal long time to update the view (about 10sec. in my case).

Switching back from the 2 torrents Active state to the 240 torrents Seeding state is strangely enough instant.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.