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Results (364 - 366 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1826 Duplicate Deluge icon and launcher missing shnurapet

I have been using the git master builds and this time the launcher hasn't been created. Also, the icon seems to be missing in system tray (blank icon showing).

Another thing is:

Core Version: %coreversion%
libtorrent version: %ltversion%

Maybe it's just something went wrong on my machine while installing it, but I have been using the same routine to build it for a few weeks now. Fedora 14 x86_64

#1839 Duplicate Do Not Download doesn't work kneekoo

Even if I select this option the file still gets downloaded. It's a minor bug to me but it's still annoying to remove files manually. I only tried the option with small files, so I don't know if this happens for large files as well. If it does, then it's a major bug. Please take a look at it when possible. I'm sure this is relatively easy to fix and it would be nice if it would work properly in 1.3.2. I use Debian Unstable.

#1841 Duplicate cannot unselect a label do see all torrent in webui Damien Churchill Mathieu Rochette

once a label is selected in the webui, we can't unselect it (or select some "any label")

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