Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (367 - 369 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1843 Duplicate Path checks before download kneekoo

Linux is very flexible with mounts and this is why Deluge has some issues with download paths. Let's take a look at a real case:

  1. Start and finish a torrent on a mounted path, then close Deluge
  2. Unmount that path (manually or by reboot)
  3. Start Deluge again

The result is a new download from scratch. It will obviously have an impact on torrent ratio - wherever that counts.

Possible solution:

Check for the initial download path and if it doesn't exist pause the torrent and:

  1. inform the user either by a message or mark the torrent with a different colour (light red?);
  2. ask the user for a new download path and also present a Retry button so the user can mount that path and try again (and add a "Solve later" button);
  3. create an option to switch between options #1 and #2 above because automatic start-ups will block Deluge from downloading if #2 is waiting for user input
#1847 Duplicate Deluge uses 100% CPU after click link GN

/usr/bin/deluge uses 100% CPU after click left mouse button on link, for example:

1) Menu: Help -> About:


OS: Ubuntu 11.04;
Browser: Opera 11.10

#1854 Duplicate [Blocklist] Add option to not start/add new torrents until blocklist loaded completly. moox

See summary.

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