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Results (370 - 372 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1129 Duplicate "move storage" command moves unrelated files mxxx

i had 2 torrents running today that both had all files in a "Season 1" subfolder.

I used the "Move Storage" command in the gtkui to move one of the torrents, which resulted in all files in the Season 1 folder being moved, not just the ones relevant to that particular torrent.

#1131 WontFix Deluge fails to download only selected files nanomachine

When telling Deluge to download only certain files available from a torrent, it downloads more than that.

#1132 Duplicate "Move Storage" and automatic move storage, progress bar nanomachine

When either right clicking a torrent, and telling it to move the storage or using Move storage, there is nothing to indicate it has finishesed. This could be a problem if the files are very big, and the program is closed to early. A progress bar in the as a pop up or the bottom portion of Deluge would be a nice way to indicate that.

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