Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (370 - 372 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1878 Duplicate Deluge's "Quit & Shutdown Daemon" command doesn't always work Simon80

Hi, I'm sorry I don't have enough details to actually solve this, but the GUI frontend's Quit & Shutdown Daemon command sometimes doesn't actually shutdown the daemon. If I start the frontend again and try again, it sometimes works. I have no idea how frequently this occurs or if I can reproduce it consistently yet, I just know that I've seen this problem at least twice now.

#1883 Duplicate Add Torrents dialog is missing the label field Vladimir Berezhnoy
#1892 Duplicate Deluge rechecks bunch of torrents after reboot Koroboru

Some time ago (may be when deluge 1.3 was released but I'm not sure) I noticed this bug: I shutdown PC with running deluge daemon and at the next boot when I start deluge GtkUI (daemon is launched automatically via Gnome autorun) I see that a bunch of torrents (about 90 of 120) are marked as paused and then are being rechecked. When I select Resume, all of them are added to recheck queue.

I'm using deluge 1.3.2 with libtorrent @ ubuntu 10.04.

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