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Results (373 - 375 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1919 Duplicate deluge 1.3.3 hangs after <5 minutes kanliot

installed on windows xp with a wireless router added 3 torrents, works for a little bit transfer stopped, deluge was redrawing, but wasn't responding, had to kill process


#1920 Duplicate Checking Torrent Stops at a Random Percentage on Windows WillyWolly

The checking of torrents stops suddenly on Windows. The problem occurs very often. It just stops checking at some percentage and refuses to continue. I have to close and start Deluge again for it to continue, but then it starts checking the same torrent again and stops at some point.

NOTE: I rolled back to 1.3.2, which does not have the problem. So this should be easy to trace back for you.

Also note that there is now a new status for torrents that are checking which is called 're-checking' (or something - I can't remember exactly), which is displayed as status sometimes instead of just checking. This could be related to this. Also in this version some torrents won't respond to pause/resume commands, which is related I think.

#1932 Duplicate share pieces among torrents magwe

Often the same files are available in multiple torrents and if you realize that you have bet on the wrong horse and need to switch to a different torrent to achieve better speed the data downloaded for the first torrent is wasted.

If these torrets have pieces lists containing common piece hashes the data for those shared pieces should be available to all torrents sharing the same pieces.

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