Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (376 - 378 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2786 Fixed [GTKUI][Connection Manager] Dialog Wont Show, Errno 11001 Calum Doadin

If you enter a improper/nonexistant ip soemthing like 999.999.999.999 the connection dialog accepts this but apon closing the dialog it then will not reopen giving error "socket.gaierror: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed". I suggest a check of hostname ips entered to prevent this.

#2785 Fixed Extractor not extracting Calum

Not sure the precise issue but quite a few users reporting it no longer works properly:

I need to test this on Windows to see if I can replicate and debug from there.

#2784 Fixed [Execute] Escape call parameters for Windows Calum


To expand on my prior post, I'm talking about escaping required by the Windows OS command line. Unless an ampersand is escaped, Windows interprets it as separating 2 commands, so it runs everything before the ampersand as one command and everything after it as another command (ref: So when the execute plugin tries to run a command and the filename has an ampersand in it, Windows tries to run it as 2 separate and partial commands.

I have tested my script by calling it manually, and if it is called with the ampersand properly escaped, my script works fine. So the problem isn't my script as you suggested. And it's not an encoding issue. It's a Windows-specific command line escaping issue with the plugin.

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