Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (376 - 378 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1082 Duplicate Additional columns for uploaded and downloaded amount in torrent list andar sidd

Currently there is no way to display the amount uploaded or downloaded in the main torrent list. This information is only available from the details panel on individual torrents. Concequently, it is not possible to sort the list, for example, by the amount uploaded.

This columns could be added, but not enabled by default (in view columns), thereby not impacting UI in any way.

#2430 Invalid Most items are queued si2030 si2030

Hi there,

I don't think this is a bug/patch but you don't have an option for issues.

I have Deluge. It works really well. However, Its queueing most of the downloaded files rather than seeding them. How do make it seed everything I have downloaded? It would be better that this is the option rather than queuing them.. (my humble opinion) Is it possible to suggest a way to seed everything.

Kind Regards


#1105 Invalid GTK autotranslation guesses wrong and there is no preference to set it correctly shrike

GTK insists that I want my software in finnish, which I don't. And as a result Deluge autotranslates itself to finnish, which I do not want.

There is no preference to manually set the language to the one I want.

The only options are either a) starting Deluge with mystical command line options or b) deleting the whole translation folder, which will make Deluge revert back to english.

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