Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (376 - 378 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1935 Duplicate Seed without check kaspy2011

You can have a button / function to put in seed a torrent, avoiding the check? This is to avoid the long wait while you check the big torrent.

#1937 Duplicate The Parameter is incorrect furion23

I get this error multiple times when i add a new torrent. Can anyone help me???

#1939 Duplicate Peer list shows not right numbers gymka2

peer number only increases and never decreases even if on tracker there is no peers deluge still shows that peers exists(DHT and peer exchange is disabled) another example: on torrent tracker: "seeds 10, leechers 0" and in deluge "seeds 0, peers 0" or deluge shows "seeds 0 peers 10" if deluge counted 1000 peers that number will never decrease, even if torrent deleted and torrent server in deluge's status line says "error can't connect" peers still exists. i want to say that deluge shows wrong peers/seeds numbers. i think it's same problem as in ticket #1333 difference is only that i'm using gtk interface, not web. as far as i remember in 1.3.1(or older) version there was no such bug.

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