Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (376 - 378 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1895 Fixed Torrent info race condition Calum Arrowmaster

Using the GTKui with a large amount of torrents (2000+).

Steps to attempt to reproduce.

  1. Start the GTKui fresh (maybe daemon too, not sure).
  2. Have the Files tab selected for torrent info.
  3. Using two torrents that have not been selected before during this session, select torrent A then quickly select torrent B before the file info for torrent A loads.
  4. The file info for torrent A will be displayed for torrent B and will remain that way even if you select other torrents and go back to B.

This appears to be a race condition caused when there is delay in loading the torrent info, the resulting problem is heightened by the apparent caching of the incorrect state.

#3054 Invalid 1 slow torrent makes all torrents slow artbaby

hello I have a server and I was using rtorrent for years until I found some issues about stability in rtorrent then I started using deluge but deluge has a seriously big problem ONLY 1 slow torrent in the list of download , makes entore torrents , inside the list , slow

I installed deluge in 4 servers and I am using deluge-web

I asked 2 other site owner use it and they have exactly the same problem

6 months ago I came here to report but your registration wasnt working until now I told myself , I must do this

Please find a solution for this huge problem and believe me test 1 session and you will see its so abvious problem

the only way can fix it is: pause slow torrent and everything will be ok but the problem is its automatic I am not there all the time to pause slow torrents you really need to find a solution for this problem thank you

#1378 WontFix W3C Errors on Deluge main page Artem Karimov

According to the W3C validator there are some errors in the site's markup:

Yes, I know that this is XHTML 1.1 but it is just a higher level of code cleanliness. Most of the errors are about unclosed tags.

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