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Results (379 - 381 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1290 Fixed [Execute] plug-in should support more events shrike

Execute plug-in should have more events attached to it.

At least "ratio reached" and "torrent removed" come to mind.

Use Case: I hard link downloaded items in the "torrent complete" event to a different folder and delete from there after I'm done.

I'd like to use execute to remove the downloaded torrent when the it has been seeded to the level I want, using either a "ratio reached" or a "torrent removed" event (most likely the latter).

#1492 WontFix Deluge thought daemon is local because of SSH tunnel? shql

I set up a SSH tunnel at, connected to the non-local daemon and added a torrent.

It bitched about missing folders. So I created the same folders on the computer where the frontend (deluge-gtk) was running and it was all good.

I suppose this could potentially be a problem when you can't replicate the folder structure on the machine with the frontend?

#1461 Duplicate Can't exit shnurapet

The program stops responding upon exit when ran in classic mode with no plugins enabled.

deluge-1.3.0-1.fc14.noarch deluge-flags-1.3.0-1.fc14.noarch

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Run
  2. Exit

There is a screencast of what happens on exit:

I have initially filed it at the Red Hat Bugzilla:

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