Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (379 - 381 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#338 Fixed "Classic mode" breaks client if server is not installed andar idomagic <>

If the deluge server is not installed locally, the default settings (that has "classic mode" enabled) breaks the client from starting properly and in effect freezing prior to showing any buttons or prompts.

Imho the ui should really use an if-then-else statement to verify that a server is present locally prior attempting to use it.

#804 Invalid classic template: missing $base prefix mvoncken

A image url inside part_label_filters.html misses the $base prefix:

--- part_label_filters.html.orig        2009-02-17 10:54:48.000000000 +0100
+++ part_label_filters.html     2009-02-17 10:54:59.000000000 +0100
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
         <a href="$self_url(filter_cat=cat, filter_value=value, sort=get('sort'), order=get('order')) ">
         $if cat == "state":
-            <img src="/pixmaps/$(value.lower())"></img>
+            <img src="$base/pixmaps/$(value.lower())"></img>
         $if cat == "tracker_host":
             <img src="$base/tracker/icon/$value" width="16" height="16"></img>
         $if not value:
#2016 Fixed Clean exit verification with state backup Calum Chotaz

I usually have a large volume of torrents attached to deluge(currently 4TB in files, indivudual torrent size goes up to 100GB) and having this large storage system, I like to periodically check my disks for errors. Yet this has been taking some time off my seeding because with this large amount of torrents, every time i try closing the deamon(pkill deluge), it doesn't quit cleanly. This makes deluge have to check 4TB of files every single time i kill or stop deluged(usually takes a full day to do so with my drives).

My idea was to add a flag on the deamon close function that gets set if it's done cleanly and a way to cache torrent stats. The flag would be verified everytime the daemon is ran again and if it wasnt found, the latest cached stats would load after all the torrent checking is done.

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