Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (382 - 384 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#753 Fixed Torrents from do not load andar anonymous

When attempting to load torrents from, the open torrents dialog appears but no files are listed to download. Deluge cannot download torrents from this site. Perhaps a format problem with their torrents?

#2456 Duplicate Torrents failing hash check should not re-download automatically skomorokh

Wound up using a lot of bandwidth when a mountpoint didn't come online soon enough and all the torrents on that drive reset to 0%.

I can't think of any situation where I'd want to re-download something I was previously seeding without manual confirmation:

  • if my storage is unavailable for some reason I want a chance to rectify
  • if a file was corrupted by something the hash check gives me valuable info about my failing drive and I will totally not notice if it just silently re-fetches the missing chunks
  • if I delete something I still had open in Deluge, well, I deleted it, I probably don't want it back

No idea about the architecture here but it would probably be as simple as a flag that gets set once a torrent begins seeding?

#936 Fixed Torrent Search andar ndowens

I would like to request that a torrent search feature would be added.

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