Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (382 - 384 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#387 Fixed torrent checking not working andar danii

Deluge 1.1.0-dev 3555 when I add a torrent that I've already downloaded for seeding or to resume deluge skips checking and starts to download, when I force the recheck the torrent says checking but is stuck at 0.00% for recheck to work I have to add the torrent in paused state, or add normally pause torrent and do a forced recheck. no log warnings or errors

#388 Fixed Add an option to inhibit the computer auto-suspending andar

A lot of computers (especially laptop) are configured to sleep or hibernate after some time. This doesn't allow to let deluge download for a long time. An option should be added to enable the inhibition of auto-suspending when Deluge is running.

Stop auto-suspending with Gnome :

#389 Fixed queue order is randomized on restart andar anonymous

queue order does not remain the same as it was on a restart

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