Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (382 - 384 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#753 Fixed Torrents from do not load andar anonymous

When attempting to load torrents from, the open torrents dialog appears but no files are listed to download. Deluge cannot download torrents from this site. Perhaps a format problem with their torrents?

#754 Fixed using ssl trackers takes deluge ~5-10 minutes to connect to the tracker andar raab

When using SSL trackers, on two separate torrent sites I get the following under the tracker status:

Error: Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown

Running deluge 1.1.0 on Debian Lenny x64, get the same thing running Ubuntu 8.10 i386.

On Windows x64 I get the following error:

Error: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call

#755 Fixed Can't set listen_ports through console UI Calum
>>> config
 * listen_ports: [6881, 6891]

This suggests the following to work, which it doesn't.

>>> config -s listen_ports [10000, 10010]
 * malformed expression ([)

Trying a tuple instead of a list is also a no-go.

>>> config -s listen_ports (10000, 10000)
 * Configuration value provided has incorrect type.

Neither does leaving the comma and/or parentheses off.

>>> config -s listen_ports 10000, 10010
 * bogus data after expression
>>> config -s listen_ports 10000 10010
 * bogus data after expression
>>> config -s listen_ports (10000 10010)
 * Configuration value provided has incorrect type.
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