Custom Query (2447 matches)
Results (382 - 384 of 2447)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#753 | Fixed | Torrents from do not load | ||
Description |
When attempting to load torrents from, the open torrents dialog appears but no files are listed to download. Deluge cannot download torrents from this site. Perhaps a format problem with their torrents? |
#754 | Fixed | using ssl trackers takes deluge ~5-10 minutes to connect to the tracker | ||
Description |
When using SSL trackers, on two separate torrent sites I get the following under the tracker status: Error: Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown Running deluge 1.1.0 on Debian Lenny x64, get the same thing running Ubuntu 8.10 i386. On Windows x64 I get the following error: Error: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call |
#755 | Fixed | Can't set listen_ports through console UI | ||
Description |
>>> config ... * listen_ports: [6881, 6891] ... This suggests the following to work, which it doesn't. >>> config -s listen_ports [10000, 10010] * malformed expression ([) Trying a tuple instead of a list is also a no-go. >>> config -s listen_ports (10000, 10000) * Configuration value provided has incorrect type. Neither does leaving the comma and/or parentheses off. >>> config -s listen_ports 10000, 10010 * bogus data after expression >>> config -s listen_ports 10000 10010 * bogus data after expression >>> config -s listen_ports (10000 10010) * Configuration value provided has incorrect type. |