Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (385 - 387 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3318 Fixed Add keyboard shortcut to File → Quit menu item asjoegren

Deluge-gtk 2.0.3 has a keyboard shortcut for Quit & Shutdown daemon (Shift+Ctrl+Q), but no shortcut for Quit.

This patch adds a keyboard shortcut for Quit (Ctrl+Q):

--- ui/gtk3/glade/main_window.ui.orig	2019-11-03 14:01:29.250274885 +0100
+++ ui/gtk3/glade/main_window.ui	2019-11-03 14:01:44.642187366 +0100
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@
                         <property name="use_stock">False</property>
                         <property name="accel_group">accelgroup1</property>
                         <signal name="activate" handler="on_menuitem_quit_activate" swapped="no"/>
+                        <accelerator key="Q" signal="activate" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK"/>
#2049 Fixed Incorrect behavior of queuing options asmageddon

Both in console and gtk interface, sorting options behave incorrectly - when queuing to top, order of torrents gets inverted and when moving torrents up/down the queue when they're already on the top/bottom respectively the top/bottom-most torrent gets "cycled over" to the other side of selection.

I believe this is also the case in 1.3.x and earlier versions I used but can not test at the moment.

#2131 Fixed Pull Request: My console-improvements branch asmageddon

GitHub repository link:

NOTE: Below changeset is only about deluge-console


New Features

  • Added per-torrent options under 'o' key in new console
  • Added command for setting per-torrent options to legacy (manage)
  • Added renaming files and folders in detail view under 'r' key
  • Added sorting by arbitrary column in New Console ('>' and '<' keys)
  • Choose visible columns in New Console with 'v'
  • Added an option to ring system bell upon torrent completion
  • Added history saving to Legacy (optional)
  • Added -r and -i switches to plugin command. Respectively for reloading plugin list and installing a plugin. No further plugin support added.

Interface changes

New Console

  • Improved New Console performance by anywhere from 6x to infinity depending on number of torrents, reducing cpu and ram usage and improving responsibility, especially for larger amount of torrents
  • Redid searching in New Console - search by typing and scroll through results with up/down keys, PgUp, PgDown, Home and End. You can directly enter detail view or action menu. Close with '/' or removing all text and pressing left arrow
  • Don't reset cursor position when returning from detail view
  • Improved sorting in New Console - sort by queue/name by default rather than just by queue, leaving other torrents ordered randomly
  • Added scrolling with PgUp/PgDown/Home/End to torrent detail view
  • Added scrolling with j/k to detail view to match behavior of all torrents view
  • Redid selecting folders in detail view to select files inside a folder and highlight the directory (in different color if not everything inside is selected)
  • Redid torrent info display in detail view to show more information in less space. Also, color coded it and made only take up as much space as needed (and never less)
  • Added formatting to some popups
  • Added colors to status bar
  • Added scrolling to event log
  • Got rid of three dots symbol as well as infinity symbol (it's replaced with '-')
  • Changed which columns are displayed by default and their sizes so it's more optimized for smaller terminals
  • Updated help strings, added some formatting
  • Added scrolling to different popup types, changed slider to red # symbol for visibility. Fixed misc problems with it
  • Added colors to priority popup in detail view
  • Mapped delete key to remove torrent dialog
  • Made selection move along with selected torrents upon changing queue (optional)
  • Added new control types to input popups, misc. in-code changes


  • Added colors and other formatting to most commands
  • Added colors to help
  • Redid info command to be more concise and readable by default. Old behavior can be invoked with -v
  • Changed peer/file listing in info command (now under -d switch)
  • Made file completion in add command only show torrent files and sort by file modification date
  • Improved completion - it now only lists a limited number of torrents per tab press (configurable, optional)
  • Made completion properly escape spaces in torrent names and paths
  • Made torrent name completion partially case-insensitive
  • Added coloring to tab completion
  • Duplicate commands are not saved multiple times (optional)
  • Added remove word option via Alt+Backspace
  • Added moving cursor through text with Ctrl+Left/Right


  • Made events always output to both legacy and event log
  • Added date- and time-stamps to events
  • And formatted them a bit


  • Fixed all crashes known to me
  • Fixed issues with unicode handling in Legacy
  • As well as in New Console
  • Fixed some misc. wide character handling errors in both Legacy and New Console
  • Fixed resizing problems
  • Fixed flickering when switching modes
  • Fixed 'command -h' crapping out in Legacy
  • Fixed Shift+Q not shutting down the daemon properly
  • Fixed torrents not disappearing after being removed
  • Fixed some problems related to events that caused backtraces to be printed to the screen, crapping display out
  • Fixed help command crapping out when trying to view help for more than one command at once
  • Fixed various popup problems concerning resizing and creation
  • Removed trailing whitespace, commented out code, useless comments, etc.
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.