Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (385 - 387 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#758 Fixed Pidfile option for deluge-web andar

Need pid file for deluge (such as -P option in deluged)

This file need to write correct daemon start-stop script in linux. (for webUI)

#759 Fixed deluge daemon segfault andar Gio

Sometimes when i am downloading the deluged stopped with this error in the syslog :

deluged[23478]: segfault at 49 ip 00000049 sp b692a4bc error 4 in python2.5[8048000+fc000]

The ui is still working but the interface is totaly empty and all the downloads are stopped when the deluged process break down.

I wish you will be able to fix this.

PS : Sorry for my bad english.

#760 Fixed Changed filenames don't save andar

Whenever I change a filename in a torrent and restart Deluge, the changed file reverts to it's original name and starts re-downloading.

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