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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1359 Torrent file checking stops at x% BlackLotus

After downloading a torrent (not complete),removing it from the list (without removing the data) and adding it again sometimes the torrent doesn't check completely and deluge acknowledges only a partial amount of the downloaded data. Not easily reproduceable.

#1459 Download Location ignored when adding torrent ariel cornejo

In the Add Torrents dialog: Download Location > "Other". The file chooser opens and after selecting a path the dropdown is updated accordingly. Click on Apply to All and Add. The new torrent is set to download to the default path (typically $HOME), so I have to use Move Storage.

After seeing this in 1.3.0 from the Ubuntu repositories, I added ppa:deluge-team/ppa and it's still happening in 1.3.1.

#1463 Can't limit speeds shnurapet

The limits seem to be ignored. For example, I set the upload limit to 0, restarted the daemon and gui and it keeps seeding.

I also can't set individual limits through the right-click menu, I set limits but the values are not saved.

1.3.900-dev, but is has been the same behavior in 1.3.0 from repository.

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