Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (391 - 393 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#944 Duplicate torrents and external disk andar genesys87

I download my torrents on an external disk: I don't understand why if the disk plugs out, deluge begin to use 100% cpu and the torrents are set to 'File I/O error'. I would expect deluge to stop trying accessing those torrents until the disk is replugged in.

#541 Invalid torrents added via thin client do not show up until restart markybob mindzai

Adding torrents using deluge as a thin client works, but the added torrents are not listed in the ui until the client has been restarted. They are added and displayed correctly in the server without a restart.

Using 1.02 in windows XP 32 bit.

#813 Fixed Torrent records wiped when disc filled andar

All torrent files a wiped if, while downloading a torrent, the disc is filled.

Downloaded data is not damaged but the torrent files seem to be lost

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