Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (397 - 399 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1164 Invalid Menu bar not visible boteeka

After upgrading to 1.2.1 the menu bar is no longer visible. Actually is there because if I press ALT-F the submenus appear. See screenshot.

#1167 Fixed Email notification fails if remote GTK client disconnected Calum

I have a Ubuntu 9.10 client/server setup with Deluge 1.2.1

I enabled email notification using the remote GTK client and it works fine when I have it running in the background. If I suspend my laptop, torrents that complete while it sleeps do not send any notification email.

#1169 Invalid Clicking the notification area icon does not show deluge when it is hidden squisher

Clicking the notification area icon used to hide / show the deluge window. I think since 1.2.1 it will only hide the window, but not show it any more. I have to right-click the icon, and click "Show Deluge" to get the window back.

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