Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (397 - 399 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#403 Invalid Manual port does not work markybob


I've been trying to select a port that I would like to use as fixed port in Deluge. However Deluge only seems to accept "random" ports even though it is not selected. Even check if active port shows the wrong port.

This is a major problem since I cannot run Deluge in active mode.

#404 Fixed Cursor should not appear in some tabs. andar helios91940

Hi! Cursors in statistics and details tabs should not be available. I think it's a bit ugly. Thank you for your great job! (and forgive me for my bad english)

#405 Fixed Display seeding torrents below downloading torrents andar

In the "All" view when sorting by queue number, seeding torrents are currently shown above the downloading torrents. Deluge should display the downloading torrents first, like it did in 0.5.x, or at least have an option to do so.

Currently, when you're seeding a lot of torrents, you may have to scroll down in order to see your downloading torrents. This seems backwards, since it's usually the downloading torrents that you're most actively interested in.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.