Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (397 - 399 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#782 Fixed system tray password asked when gtkui window is open but not topmost window. andar anonymous

If password for revoke from system tray is enabled, and deluge window is NOT minimised to tray but lying under some other window, clicking on tray asks password when one can simple click on taskbar to get access to gtkui.

#783 Fixed Python errors aren't redirected to log files andar ari-_-e

When the daemon forks off and starts outputting logs to a file, python errors are not outputted to that same log file - they just go into the void. I encountered this when trying to run trunk without twisted. When I ran the daemon without -d, it would fork off and the python importerror didn't show up anywhere. I had to use strace to figure out why the daemon wasn't staying up.

#790 Fixed Incorrect tracker names in 'Tracker' column for 3rd-level domain names andar

Example: Tracker '' is visible as '' I checked it in gtkui. Webui may have this bug too.

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