Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (397 - 399 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2726 Duplicate column sort setting lost after a few days Xuefer

i can add/delete column(s) & sort just fine, but after a few days everything is reset to default

IMHO, the cookie should either be set with a super long timeout, or re set the cookie every time the web page is open

#1345 WontFix Combine Resume and Pause buttons in GTK UI K900

Well, that's it. Why have two buttons when you can have one? I'll make a patch for it soon and upload it here.

#1468 Invalid Command line arguments are not parsed correctly Cameron Tacklind

I've been trying to get deluged to integrate better with my init scripts on a seedbox. Part of that setup is software creating a pid file. The command line arguments for deluged have such an option, which works fine.

The problem is when you add other command line arguments like a logfile and loglevel. I haven't explored this much, but if I start deluged like this:

$ deluged --logfile=deluged.log --loglevel=debug --pidfile=/var/run/

it creates a log file, in a couple directories...

deluged.log\ --loglevel=debug\ --pidfile=/var/run/

or, one line per directory...

deluged.log --loglevel=debug --pidfile=/
deluged.log --loglevel=debug --pidfile=/var/
deluged.log --loglevel=debug --pidfile=/var/run/
deluged.log --loglevel=debug --pidfile=/var/run/

Obviously this is a problem with how the argument parser handles strings with spaces in them.

I tried to look into the code in but can't follow what is going on for the life of me. Isn't there some off the shelf and tested argument parser that can replace it?

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