Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (400 - 402 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2156 Duplicate UI should show folders marked as "do not download" somehow Matt H

If a whole folder is marked as 'do not download' the UI gives no indication, you can only see so by expanding the folder. The UI should show somehow

#2183 Duplicate torrent still downloating at 100% zero13ro

Hi guys,

I still encounter an error that I had in the past Deluge 1.3.3. Now in deluge 1.3.5 the torrent is still in downloading state while it is at 100%. Same issue at the queue, 100% and its still in the queue tab.

I running execute plugin to execute a py script after download is finished and its not working because the server is not reporting that the torrent is finished.

I will provide more info if you need


#2187 Duplicate On 'open folder', select file in Windows Explorer Matt H

It would be cool if after one clicked 'open folder' on an item in Deluge, that the relevant file/folder were focused in the explorer list.

This is possible, Google Chrome does it for downloads 'show in folder'.

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