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Results (406 - 408 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2752 Fixed Column configuration is not saved properly in the thin client rewozz
  1. Configure everything to your liking and quit the thin client.
  2. Reopen the thin client and observe none of the settings have been saved.

There is only one fix that I found on the official forum:

I was walking through different settings when I noticed that suddenly my torrentview.state file had been created. Finally pinpointed it down to toggling the Label-plugin. Basically, when you untick Label in plugins, the configuration will be saved.

I've also locked the file because width gets added to the rightmost column after a few restarts.

OS X Yosemite 10.10.3

#2750 Fixed Paused torrent automatically resumes after force-recheck lordkappa

Any paused torrent will not remember it's paused state after a force-recheck, and will resume immediately upon recheck completion.

Steps to reproduce: -Add a torrent -Pause torrent -Begin a force-recheck on torrent

Expected result: Torrent performs a recheck, and returns to paused state.

Observed result: Torrent performs a recheck, and resumes; beginning downloading/seeding immediately.

I've observed in core/ that Deluge automatically stores the torrent's current state in variable forcing_recheck_paused, requests a force-recheck, and then resumes the torrent. However, this state is not being properly reinstated when on_alert_torrent_checked() in core/ is called after the recheck is complete.

#2748 Invalid overwrite existing torrent data phaseform

Would be great if there is a warning/re-check for when a new torrent file added when the downloaded data already exists in the download folder - to avoid overwriting and deleting the previously downloaded data.

Batch Modify
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