Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (409 - 411 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2270 Duplicate Autoadd settings does not accept .dot (hidden) folder names Kvaks

I'm trying to add another Autoadd folder in deluge-gtk. After setting the watch folder, "download location" folder and "move completed" folder and finishing with the Add+ button, I notice that the watch folder changed from




(I can see this because this path is shown in the list of watch folders)

After experimenting with various other folders, it seems this happens whenever I try to set the watch folder to any that contains a hidden (.foo) folder along its path.

I should add that I already have several watch-folders set up that do contain the ".deluge-watch-folders" (with a dot) in the paths, so this has been successfully done earlier. For some reason, adding another similar to the existing ones now does not work.

Other info of interest: System: Kubuntu, KDE 4.10

#2278 Duplicate [request] Show reverse DNS for peer IPs baotse

This is a ticket for some of the requests for Deluge to resolve reverse DNS entries in the peerlist.

This would be a really cool feature to have!

#2279 Duplicate Feature request: Progress bar while 'moving storage' Chionsas

When doing 'Move storage' for a big torrent, it might take a while. When the files are moved (esp. to a different disk), there's no indication of that happening or progress of the task.

It would be nice to have some progressbar in the 'details' or 'status' tab (or even have a different color progress bar instead of the normal one while this is happening).

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