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Results (409 - 411 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#909 Fixed Deluge 1.1.7 eating up CPU on Ubuntu Jaunty andar Azeem

-- just open up deluge (doesn't have to be downloading anything)

also, make sure it's connected to the daemon

-- Results: deluge eats up quite a lot of my cores, up to 46% and it doesn't settle over time -- expected results: the usual smooth, deluge-like behavior ;)

i noticed the CPU only goes crazy when the GUI client is launched.. if it's just the daemon running with the web ui and all, it's fine... also the GUI is fine as long as it's disconnected from the daemon, but once connected (Even without downloading) it bogs my PC down.

Deluge was installed/updated through apt with the PPA given on the website.

#1049 Invalid Deluge console now dependent on console andar Azeem

a script in this nature

deluge -u console << ! pause something !

would have worked in =< 1.19 releases

It STILL works in the 1.20 RC release, except now, it can only be executed in a terminal for it to work.. It would be ineffective when ran through a daemon such as 'atd' or 'cron' through 'at' and 'crontab'

also, the -a option for 'deluge' seems to be broken, it'll throw back a "unknown command" error message

#2780 Invalid Deluge doesn't check downloaded torrent azroach

After downloading a torrent, then saving the file/directory and then removing the torrent from Deluge, and then waiting a day or more then trying to add that same torrent through magnet link, Deluge does not check to see if that file has been downloaded.

It just stays stuck on "Downloading 0.00%"


DELUGE VERSION: 1.3.12 (i'm not sure how to find libtorrent version since i'm running windows) Windows 10 64-bit version 1511 build 10586.14 No plugins enabled Installation method from installer

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