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Results (409 - 411 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#812 Fixed Saving outside /home folder doesnt work in WebUI andar skiffx

Im running 1.3 freshly released, and never run previous versions. Just wanted to point out when you in a regular white themed webui trying to download a torrent, specifying download location any other folder outside /home/user, lets say /media/storagedrive, results in 'folder does not exist error', despite the fact that all permissions are set recursively as drwxrwxrwx.

This has to be tried in webui not running ajax, since ajax doesnt have an option to specify download location.

#813 Fixed Torrent records wiped when disc filled andar

All torrent files a wiped if, while downloading a torrent, the disc is filled.

Downloaded data is not damaged but the torrent files seem to be lost

#814 Fixed High CPU usage on large torrents andar

I'm using deluge 1.1.3 (Trac doesn't know what was released)

I am downloading a large torrent (approximately 160x 350meg files).

Intermittently deluge swallows a whole core of my processor, and keeps it down for anywhere between a single second and a minute, though the mean average would probably be 3-5 seconds.

If I pause the torrent as this is happening, CPU usage drops off instantly.

I don't think this is UI related as it still happens when minimised to tray.

If you need additional information or traces, shout and I'll attempt to help you out (though you might need to tell me how).

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