Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (412 - 414 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#818 Invalid recheck torrent while in progress causes daemon crash andar anonymous

So I hit re-check a torrent because I'd removed some files while it was pauses that I no longer wanted and wished to start seeding it again only minus the missing files with them set to do not download. I thought it was still pauses, hit re-check again, and the daemon crashed.

This a repeatable problem. If you hit re-check a torrent while the torrent in question is being checked, the daemon crashes.

deluge version 1.1.3 on ubuntu hardy 64bit

#819 WontFix Configuring Tracker update interval andar anonymous

There should be a way to configure tracker update interval, cause 30 minutes takes too long!

This is specially useful on private trackers.

#821 Invalid Implement the OneSwarm anonymity system andar

I'm sure you heard about OneSwarm, and I'm sure it would be great if you could implement it in Deluge.

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