Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (415 - 417 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1359 Torrent file checking stops at x% BlackLotus

After downloading a torrent (not complete),removing it from the list (without removing the data) and adding it again sometimes the torrent doesn't check completely and deluge acknowledges only a partial amount of the downloaded data. Not easily reproduceable.

#299 Fixed torrent file added via gtk ui gets saved with random name andar

adding via the web UI, the torrent file gets saved as ubuntu-8.04-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent. With the gtk ui it is tmp$somethingrandom. It would be nice if the gtk ui preserved the filename as well.

#1268 Fixed Torrent errors not displayed in webui Damien Churchill CoJaBo

When a torrent turns red (error status), there is no indication given in webui as to why. The torrent status should display the error message, but it just gives the tracker status.

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