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Results (415 - 417 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#824 Fixed deluge-1.1.3 can't check data andar anonymous

Hello! I found after upgrading to 1.1.3 that when I use a check torrent data function, deluged was crashed with segmentation fault. Downgrade do 1.1.2 resolve this problem

#825 Fixed No Windows Version andar

I was searching for a new bittorrent client to try on Windows and found Deluge. The site says there is a Windows version, but there are no downloads on the Download page for it.

I did some research, and it looks like the person who was doing to Windows version quit, which explains why there is no current download.

The problem is that it now looks like Deluge is lying about having a Windows version.

May I suggest that the site not say that there is a Windows version until there is someone maintaining it again?

#831 Fixed Deluge broken by new python packages in Jaunty andar

Ubuntu Jaunty recently moved to Python 2.6 for its default Python runtime. Deluge no longer starts (at least here) with deprecation errors.

There's a thread on UbuntuForums with more detail:

I'm not sure if Deluge needs its dependencies altering or if a lot more has to be done to fix it... Either way, this should probably be considered a blocker for future releases.

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