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Results (418 - 420 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2732 WontFix "Stop seeding" value has inconsistent constraints in different context sent12874

The "Stop seeding when share ratio..." value is inconsistent over the application, based on the context.

In the general preferences, I can choose values with a minimum of 0.5. When I instead set the per-torrent preferences, such value has no minimum.

If, for example, I'd want to set the value as general preference, to 0.1, right now I can't - I have to set it for each torrent.

The version I'm using is the "1.3.10-2ubuntu0.1", which is bundled with Ubuntu 14.10.

#281 Fixed Split view for (completed / seeding) and (active / downloading) torrents as in azureus andar


I think a splitted view as seen in azureus would give much more usability. Upper part for active, paused, stopped downloads Lower part for completed, seeding downloads.

This way one can specify how many active / uploading / downloading torrents there should be without messing around in the torrents order. This is what annoyes me the most.

Perhaps this could be done as an plugin or as an option, so users have the choice. Now, when you click "put finished torrents to the end" they will stop seeding. This is not good at all.

#282 WontFix Add rating as seen in azureus andar

In azureus someone can rate torrents with 1 to 5 stars and write a short comment. Compatibility with Azureus would be great.

Perhaps this could be added as an plug in. I set this to minor an 0.6.0 because of the upcoming rewrite.

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