Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (418 - 420 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1394 WontFix deluge.ui.client should implement twisted.application.service.IService balaton

... to make it easier to interface it with a twisted application.

#1451 Duplicate Proxy support for http connections balaton

Currently, deluge supports proxies for all sorts of connection, but not for the obvious http connections used by the deluge.httpdownloader module. This makes deluge hard to use in a proxy environment, since some very basic functions use http downloads.

#1452 Invalid torrent check sould also validate storage path balaton

I sometimes encounter that a torrent is not moved from the "download" dir into the "completed" dir. This is not a big problem as is, but it would be nice if the "check" function could correct this automatically.

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