Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (418 - 420 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2414 Fixed Connection and the info command are very slow ptspts

I have 1500 active torrents in deluged. When I use deluge-console, it connects quickly, but the info command is very slow (it takes more than a minute with 100% CPU usage in the deluge-console process; deluged uses less than 20% CPU).

The same thing happens when establishing the connection from the GTK-UI to deluged: after clicking the *Connect* button, it takes more than a minute to see the torrents with 100% CPU usage in the deluge-console process, and deluged uses less than 20% CPU. Once connected, everything is fast.

How can I diagnose this myself? How should I start the GTK-UI so that I get some CPU profiling info?

#1987 Duplicate Connection Manager Calum


Traceback (most recent call last):
:  File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line
480, in on_button_connect_clicked
:    client.disconnect().addCallback(do_connect)
:AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'addCallback'
#2813 Fixed Connection Manager Showing Daemon Offline On First Start Doadin

Start deluged then gtkui and opening the connection manager will say the daemon is offline but if you hit connect then manually close the connection manager it connects fine.

And from there on if you disconnect from daemon or restart it or w.e. as long as you don't restart the gtkui it will see it online but if you close the ui you can still connect like before but it wont say online and you have to manually close the connection manager after hitting connect.(just like the first time)

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