Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (421 - 423 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2355 Fixed Twisted 13.1 incompatible? Dan

Just upgraded to the latest Twisted (13.1) and downloading blocklists now hangs. I looked at the output, and there is a Traceback in some twisted files; I don't have the output anymore as I downgraded for functionality, but I remember at the end:

'module' object has no method _parse

To make matters worse, this causes everything else in Deluge to freeze, torrents appear paused, and I can't close the process without killing it.

Using Arch Linux 32-bit, Deluge 1.3.6, upgraded from Twisted 13.0 to 13.1

#2280 Invalid Webui down when tracker responce have cyrillic symbols Damien Churchill seedboxorgua

In russia some trackers responses looks like "Вы не можете качать больше торрентов", deluge webui hang and down when i add torrent like this, it happened only when tracker responce on russian and (maybe) have Cyrillic 1251 codepage, not UTF-8. Got these issues on ubuntu 10.04 / 11.04 / 12.04 and 12.10 on Deluge 1.3.5 with 0.15.9 / 0.16 libtorrent from PPA, and on libtorrent 1.0 from trunk. Seems this is just webui issue, and i ask for fix that. Typically this issue happened when tracker limits user to download for example 3 max. torrents per time, but user add 10 torrents (in utorrent 3 downloading and another 7 can't get peers, so all 10 have status downloading), in deluge adding 10 torrents will broke webui. Restart don't solve that issue, just deleting all torrents that can respond with cyrillic symbols.

#2103 Fixed Sorting by name is case-sensitive in the Web UI Damien Churchill sedulous

Sorting by name is case-sensitive in the Web UI. This is inconsistent with the GTK UI, which sorts case-insensitively.


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