Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (424 - 426 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#77 Invalid Connections to/from (ssh tunnel) are not affected by Speed Limit markybob

I use ssh tunnel as SOCKS5 proxy for my tracker and peer connections. Incoming connections are coming from as this is the way the tunnel works. These connections are not affected by Speed Limit and this chokes my connection.

I request for option to include localhost into Speed Limit with a note that this applies for those using ssh-tunnel proxy.

#1858 Fixed [console] Add command 'manage' to show/set per-torrent options Calum eirikba

This patch adds a command to deluge-console to show and set per-torrent options. I have called the command "torrent_option" and mostly modeled it on the "config" command. A better name for the command would be nice, but I have no better suggestion at this time.

#1500 Fixed Console client crashes on command longer than terminal width Calum bjwebb

If a command is typed in the console client that is longer than the width of the terminal, the client will close itself. This includes typing the command manually, pasting it in, or tab completing.

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