Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (430 - 432 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2378 Duplicate Deluge is not working with Mac osx Mavericks. cifrado

Hello, I recently upgraded to Mac osx Mavericks from Mountain Lion. Deluge was working just fine on Mountain Lion, and now with the recent upgrade to Mavericks, Deluge does not work. Deluge will not even open, the app just bounces and nothing happens. Hope you can fix this soon! Thanks!

#2380 Duplicate Deluge does not open in OSX Mavericks griffin jennings

It seems like Deluge doesn't work on OSX Mavericks 10.9. Whenever I open deluge the app hops up and down and then just quits and doesn't open. No error message.

#2385 Duplicate Downloading deleted files Winterwolf

Hello there! When my torrent is completely downloaded and then I remove or replace files, he starting downloading again! It's no good. uTorrent generates an error in this situation.

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