Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (430 - 432 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#853 Fixed Removing label speed limit doesn't remove the limit on the torrent itself andar

Let's say I have a label called "Movies", and I have the download speed per torrent limit set to 10 kb/s. Now, if I change it back to unlimited, the torrents' limit won't go away. I have to manually remove the limit for each of the torrents.

How it should be: When the speed limit is removed from the label, the limit on all torrents with that label should be removed.

#854 Fixed Won't check 2 or more torrent andar

As in the summary: when I select two or more torrent with Ctrl+left click, Deluge wont check it: in all the two (or even more) progress bar there's 'Checking 0.00%', and it don't groove. One by one checking work.

It happened in 1.1.5, but still in the previous version of 1.1.x trunk, I remember sure. I use Ubuntu Intrepid i386 and the PPA for Deluge Team. regards

#855 Fixed Force recheck when torrent paused mislabeled andar akismet is pissing me off

In Deluge 1.1.5, when I try to force recheck a paused torrent, the torrent is labeled as Checking 0.00%. When I resume that torrent, it starts checking.

I did not know checking is paused when the torrent is paused. Even if this is the intended behavior, the status is misleading (perhaps it should say something like "Checking paused")

Basically, if a torrent is paused, and I tell it to force recheck, nothing happens. After I click resume, checking finally starts.

this isn't spam <sarcasm> I'd also like to report a bug on AKISMET. Keeps reporting this as spam. It's becoming really annoying </sarcasm>

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