Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (430 - 432 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1866 Fixed Console fails to find deluged with a new specified config Calum

The localhost deluged is listed as offline if you use new configs.

~/delugeDev/deluged -c ~/CONFIG1
~/delugeDev/deluge-console -c ~/CONFIG1

The workaround is to open deluge-gtk and change the setting from classic to thinclient, localhost deluged then shows as online in the console and can connect normally.

#1397 Fixed console info command with state filter Calum xpozitron

It would be useful to be able of showing only torrents in specific state. For example I want to see only torrents in state Paused. It can be implemented as new parameter like "info -s seeding".

#2088 Fixed [console] info --sort not in git master(1.4) nogare

I just realized git master doesn't have info --sort=* ( --sort=size) while 1.3.* does.

While it might seem like a minor thing, when you have loads of torrents and need to free some space up, info --sort is your best friend.

tl;dr: add --sort and --sort_rev back into the info command [note this is in legacy]

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