Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (436 - 438 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2169 Fixed Add Torrent Dialog's ' Download Location' not set correctly when directory typed into Other->Location field Calum Serge

When I add a new torrent from Mozilla Firefox by choosing "Open with" it is difficult to set up desired save path in adding torrent dialog. I sighted that if I switch between tabs in that dialog then save path sets correctly, but else it sets to my home directory. I run it in KDE.

#49 WorksForMe Error on loading markybob

On loading Deluge a splash screen comes up which says "New version go to Deluge site" on clicking 'Yes' the program closes down but doesn't go to the download site. This is the latest update from the repositories. Nice program in use, works well.

#1025 WorksForMe [deluged] zlib not available andar Beini

deluged fails to start because it can't find zlib on Arch Linux x86_64. This leads to blank window when starting with GUI. Log file of the deluged output as an attachment.

I have worked around this problem by adding

import zlib

to /usr/bin/deluged. Disabling version check of deluged seems to work too.

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