Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (439 - 441 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1234 Fixed Add time to 'Added' column (and elsewhere) Torbjörn Lönnemark

Being to see at what time a torrent was added, not just the date, is useful.

#1236 Duplicate Adding torrent via remote-access - Server filessystem not browsable Plexus

I do have a server running deluged conecting via windows-gui / vnc & local gui / sftp & autoscanned folder to add new torrents. Today i tried to access via linux-gui and had to experience that adding torrents will show me the local filesystem of my remote-machine but not the server-FS where the torrents actually are saved. Under linux I couldnt browse or enter the path manually. With the windows-gui at least it was possible to enter the path manually - browsing though the foldes wasnt possible also.

#1237 WontFix Creating Torrent - choose multiple files / folders Plexus

Recently I created a torrent using deluge with just some files from a directory. So I first had to move all files not to be in the torrent out of that folder, create the torrent, and afterwards I could move them back to their original position. I would suggest, that the user could choose multiple files/folders. This could be archived by holding the Ctrl-key for ex. This way the distinction between "file" and "folder" could be omitted

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