Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (439 - 441 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#658 Duplicate [PATCH]added pam fallback to authentication andar scientes

if there is no entry for the user authenticating against checks if it is the user the daemon is running as and if the password is that of that user. will only authenticate if the user could log in on the server machine.

uses pam gem from

I dont know how things are specified unix only

#1191 Fixed BUG : Keyboad button emulating the right click does not work on the download list. andar schumnana

BUG : Keyboard button emulating the right click does not work on the download list. Of click on the right button works.

#1192 Duplicate Lack of keyboard shortcuts schumnana

Can you add at least a shortcuts for all actions menu (notably add torrent, preference like quit CTRL+Q) and buttons on top (like add, remove, pause, play, up, down, preference)?

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