Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (439 - 441 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2769 Fixed The process for uploading a torrent file in the Web-UI could be streamlined. benjamindykstra

Currently, the process for uploading a file in the Web-UI requires three steps.

  1. Click 'File' to open the "Add from File" window.
  2. Click 'Browse' to select the file.
  3. Click 'Add' to upload the file.

These steps could be combined into one, making the process much easier. Instead, clicking 'File' should open the file browser directly. After a file is selected, it should be uploaded automatically. This is a small change, but it will be very noticeable for anyone who regularly uploads multiple files.

#1937 Duplicate The Parameter is incorrect furion23

I get this error multiple times when i add a new torrent. Can anyone help me???

#500 Fixed The labels sidebar *needs* a scrollbar. andar

I havee a lot of torrents, and because of that list of trackers (displayed in labels sidebar) is very long. It's not scrollable, and causes deluge window to resize, so that it *really* doesn't fit my desktop. Only disabling sidebar or label plugins helps. Please add scrollbar.

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