Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (439 - 441 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#850 Fixed Clickable URL in 'Comments' field (Details tab) andar
#853 Fixed Removing label speed limit doesn't remove the limit on the torrent itself andar

Let's say I have a label called "Movies", and I have the download speed per torrent limit set to 10 kb/s. Now, if I change it back to unlimited, the torrents' limit won't go away. I have to manually remove the limit for each of the torrents.

How it should be: When the speed limit is removed from the label, the limit on all torrents with that label should be removed.

#854 Fixed Won't check 2 or more torrent andar

As in the summary: when I select two or more torrent with Ctrl+left click, Deluge wont check it: in all the two (or even more) progress bar there's 'Checking 0.00%', and it don't groove. One by one checking work.

It happened in 1.1.5, but still in the previous version of 1.1.x trunk, I remember sure. I use Ubuntu Intrepid i386 and the PPA for Deluge Team. regards

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