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Results (439 - 441 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#92 WontFix Preferences dialog overrides plugin configuration changes markybob

When making changes to preference settings from a plugin using the deluge interface, changes are applied succesfully. However, they are not updated in the configuration dialog - So when a user clicks ok, all the changes are overwritten with the old values. If the cancel button is clicked, the settings are preserved


  • Add scheduler plugin
  • Change the download rate for current time/speed setting
  • click ok
  • click ok

Your new settings are gone and won't take effect until the scheduler moves into the next time block and restores them.

#97 Invalid Scheduler plugin should be able to control more preferences markybob

The current scheduler plugin only allows setting upload and download speed, and doesn't provide for setting the number of connections / upload slots / active torrents. I have made a patch that provides this functionality. Please see the attached files.

#177 WontFix Drag select in scheduler plugin markybob

Not so much a plugin request as a "I wrote some code to add a feature and here's the patch". It adds drag select to the time selection grid in the scheduler plugin rather than having to click all those little boxes one at a time.

I know it's not really useful to any scheduler user who has already setup their schedule already, but I was getting bored in an introductory Python lecture and I had the code laying around....

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